i'm kevin
i think this is where i introduce myself
if you're after stuff i've made real quick, just take my github and go

as a programmer i'm legally required to make my own blog
or else you get taken away and never seen again
it's true

i don't really write, but when i do it's mostly to rant or share a nice programming sol
who knows
might even blog about other stuff if i can get the css & html to work properly

competitive programming

ported from gists

  1. mountain time
  2. conv intervals
  3. drought (gold)
  4. hilo (gold)
  5. game master
  6. kruznice
  7. experience
  8. segment with required subset
  9. counting on tree
  10. berland federalization
  11. help yourself

written right here

  1. balanced parenthesis
  2. fair cut
  3. exercise (gold version)
  4. chain contestant
  5. max indep set
  6. aoc 2019 day 22

still programming, just not competitive

random blog posts

  1. towers of hanoi
  2. list max perf testing
  3. rant about rust
  5. eggert specs but they're good

general apps

games, mostly game jams, thanks jeff

non-programming stuff?? on this site??

it's more likely than you think.

  1. feelings?
  2. bobos? more like babos
  3. fukuyama :skull:
  4. postman posts cringe
  5. no like what the hell is league bowling