oh god *shudders*
this problem was a debugging nightmare
so the first thing i did was go to the
wikipedia page
for wth an independent set actually was, and it did not disappoint
scrolling down a little we can see that this problem is equivalent to
the clique problem
on the complement graph
so from here on out i'll just be talking about the maximum clique problem instead,
it makes things a tad bit easier to explain
anyways, we have \( n \leq 40 \)!
this probably means that we have to split crap in 2 then merge somehow...
if you want some other problems that are like this you can go
here btw
(or it means \( \mathcal{O}(n^5) \) or something but the chance of
that is lesser than my dad coming home with milk)
so whatever, let's just go through all subsets in half of the total
graph and see what happens
so here's our halfway dp-
dp[ss] = max clique if we can only use the nodes specified in ss (subset)
note that another option would be
dp[ss] = do all the nodes in the ss form a clique?
but it can be seen later on that this definition sucks balls when we
try combining the 2 subsets
once we have the definition, we can fill it up with brute force-
i'll leave it to the code to explain how that works
so now we have 2 of these `dp` things
so how can we combine them?
for any subset, we need to know all the nodes in the other half
that could be "compatible", which in this case means
that they're connected to literally every node in our current subset
this might seem like a daunting task, but it actually isn't that
bad if you know how bitwise ops work
like the brute force, how this works is in the code
so we have a subset and another subset of all the nodes in the
other half that it's compatible with
we can then get a candidate for the max clique with
`dp1[ss1] + dp2[ss2]` and then go!
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
inline bool bit_set(const long long& n, int pos) {
return n & (1LL << pos);
long long more_bits(const long long& a, const long long& b) {
return __builtin_popcountll(a) > __builtin_popcountll(b) ? a : b;
vector<long long> largest_clique(const vector<long long>& adj) {
int sz = adj.size(); // just a shorthand
vector<bool> valid(1 << sz); // actually the scrapped dp definition lol
valid[0] = true;
for (int n1 = 0; n1 < sz; n1++) {
valid[1 << n1] = true;
for (int n2 = n1 + 1; n2 < sz; n2++) {
valid[(1 << n1) + (1 << n2)] = adj[n1] & (1 << n2);
for (int ss = 1; ss < (1 << sz); ss++) {
if (__builtin_popcountll(ss) <= 2) {
valid[ss] = true;
for (int prev = 0; prev < sz; prev++) {
if (bit_set(ss, prev) && !valid[ss & ~(1 << prev)]) {
valid[ss] = false;
// here's our actual dp, the one we're gonna combine
vector<long long> largest(1 << sz);
for (int ss = 0; ss < (1 << sz); ss++) {
if (valid[ss]) {
largest[ss] = ss;
for (int prev = 0; prev < sz; prev++) {
if (bit_set(ss, prev)) {
largest[ss] = more_bits(largest[ss], largest[ss & ~(1 << prev)]);
return largest;
int main() {
int node_num;
int edge_num;
std::cin >> node_num >> edge_num;
vector<long long> adj(node_num, (1LL << node_num) - 1);
for (int e = 0; e < edge_num; e++) {
int n1, n2;
std::cin >> n1 >> n2;
adj[n1] &= ~(1LL << n2);
adj[n2] &= ~(1LL << n1);
int half1 = node_num / 2;
vector<long long> half1_adj(half1);
for (int n = 0; n < half1; n++) {
half1_adj[n] = adj[n] & ((1 << half1) - 1);
vector<long long> largest1 = largest_clique(half1_adj);
int half2 = node_num - half1;
vector<long long> half2_adj(half2);
for (int n = 0; n < half2; n++) {
half2_adj[n] = adj[half1 + n] >> half1;
vector<long long> largest2 = largest_clique(half2_adj);
long long best_ss = 0;
// here's the part where we combine the two dp things
for (int ss1 = 0; ss1 < (1 << half1); ss1++) {
// initially, everything in half2 is up for consideration
long long ss2 = (1 << half2) - 1;
for (int n = 0; n < half1; n++) {
if (bit_set(ss1, n)) {
// remove any nodes that aren't connected to the current node
ss2 &= adj[n] >> half1;
best_ss = more_bits(best_ss, largest1[ss1] + (largest2[ss2] << half1));
cout << __builtin_popcountll(best_ss) << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < node_num; i++) {
if (bit_set(best_ss, i)) {
cout << i << ' '; // trailing whitespace doesn't matter